Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chapter 7

A/N: Thanks so much to Lillie Cullen for her great beta job. I don't know what I'd do without you looking over my shoulder.

Check out The Writer's Coffee Shop. thewriterscoffeeshop dot com It's a great new site for readers. There are forums to chat about your favorite stories and even “Just A Sip” for teasers. TheSpoiltOne even has a link for merchandise for The Training School and The Perfect Wife!

This will be the last update before Thanksgiving. Have a great Turkey Day!

I don't own Twilight or its characters. But I do have fun with them.


I was starting to calm down with the help of Jasper and knowing I was taking Bella further away from the jerk at the bookstore. I swore to myself I’d never allow her to return to that store without me. No way he’d ever have the opportunity to approach her.

“Edward, chill, you’re jealous and insecure. Trust me, that's not a good combination to have right now with Bella. I promise the only emotion coming from Bella in the store was embarrassment. She wasn’t interested in that guy back there,” Jasper whispered.

“Edward, just relax. Trust me it’s all going to work out fine,” Alice reassured me.

Jasper and Alice were both reassuring me, speaking low enough that Bella couldn't possibly hear their conversation. I hated hearing or even admitting to myself that I was feeling insecure. I’d spent most of my unnatural existence searching for my mate and always felt confident in the outcome.

Of course, I always assumed my mate would be another vampire, therefore the connection would be instantaneous on both sides. I had no control with Bella. I had to wait until she accepted my claim.

I glanced over at Bella. She was looking out the window at the passing scenery. Her hair pushed back off her shoulders, exposing her jaw line and her slender neck to my perusal. I imagined what it would be like to trail kisses along her jaw and throat. I imagined Bella wrapping her arms around me, loving me as much as I was falling in love with her.

We were driving into Forks when she looked down at her hands in her lap. She cleared her throat, “Edward, do you mind stopping by your house on the way to drop me off? Emmett took my bags with him earlier by mistake.”

I smiled. It wasn't a mistake. I wanted her in my home. “That’s not a problem at all, Bella.”

She called her father. I could hear him on the other end telling her about his fishing trip. It seemed he was pleased with the number of fish he caught. Bella thought it was funny. I wasn’t sure what the joke was and would love to share in her laughter. His next comment made me angry.

“So Bells, where are you? I was starting to worry. You’re never out this long just to shop. Did you run away with Mike and not tell your old man?” Her father was laughing.

I failed to see any humor in the idea of my Bella running away with this Mike character. I would need to find a way to stake my claim soon even if only by human standards until she was ready for the rest.

I could feel Jasper calming me down as Alice patted me on the shoulder from the back seat. On the upside it seemed Bella was not impressed with her father’s humor either. She was actually frowning. Good.

“No Dad, I didn’t run away with Mike. I’ve actually been shopping this entire time, believe it or not.” She was rolling her eyes and laughing at the phone. “I just wanted to let you know I’m back in Forks and I’m going to stop at a friend’s house on my way home. I’ll talk to you later. Bye Dad!” She seemed embarrassed now and quickly snapped her phone shut, slipping it back into her purse.

We pulled up to the front of our home and we all got out. I opened Bella’s door for her as Alice and Jasper went in the house. She didn’t notice me standing there holding her door open. She seemed to be in a trance looking at my home. I was proud that she liked my home. Our home, I corrected myself. Soon.

Esme and Carlisle were standing in the foyer with Alice and Jasper. They were all smiling at Bella as I ushered her into the house.

Oh Edward, she’s beautiful,” Esme was thinking to me. “I can tell I’m going to love her as much as my other daughters.”

Good choice, son. I can see why you’re so excited about her. I hope everything goes accordingly.” Carlisle was naturally more reserved in his thoughts about Bella.

He was researching how I could safely make Bella my mate without harming her. When a vampire claims their mate they bite them, injecting venom into the body so that any other male vampire can smell they've been claimed and knows to steer clear. Eventually I would turn Bella the same way, only injecting much more venom into her bloodstream. Since I've promised my family I wouldn't turn her until she was ready, I needed a way to stake my claim without harming her.

“Bella, these are my parents, Carlisle and Esme,” I said. “Mom, Dad, this is Bella.” I looked down at Bella to gauge her reaction, and saw a very attractive blush spreading across her cheeks. I knew this would be one thing I would miss about her when she’s turned. I’d just cherish every one of her blushes until there were no more.

Bella shivered. I smiled, knowing I caused it. I was stroking my thumb on her bare back where I had placed my hand. I loved her reaction to me.

Nice move, Edward. Keep that up and I won’t be needed anymore.” Jasper was thinking.

“Hi Dr. and Mrs. Cullen, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said.

My parents stepped forward. Carlisle stuck his hand out to shake hers. “Please Bella, call me Carlisle.”

“And please call me Esme, dear. There’s no need for formalities here. We’re all family.” “I’m so happy for you Edward. I will do everything I can to help you win her heart.”

She gently gave Bella a hug. I could tell she was unsure of how Bella would take the gesture. Bella hugged her back and had a distant look in her eyes.

“Thank you, Mrs. Cu – Esme.” My Bella, she was blushing again.

Alice was pulling Bella away from me. I growled. I wasn’t ready to be separated from her. Alice had gotten most of the day with her. My time had been spent sharing her, first with my family then the jerk at the bookstore. I really needed to let that go before Alice or Jasper started up again at me. Too late.

“Come on, Bella. Let’s go upstairs,” Alice started, laughing. “Edward, you and Jasper can hang out down here for a while. I’ll bring her back, I promise.” She smirked as they went up the stairs. “You have it so bad, Edward.”

I sat next to Jasper on the sofa. He started watching a baseball game on the television while I focused on the conversation taking place on the floor above me. Alice was already laying claim to Bella. She was determined that Bella was going to be hers almost as much as she was mine. I sometimes wish Alice and Rosalie spent more time together. Then she wouldn’t need to make Bella her new best friend. I’m selfish, I admit it, but I don’t want to share.

I was glad Bella said she had fun, even though it was obvious from her lack of bags and her comments in the car that shopping wasn’t ranked high on her list of fun things to do. Bella had gotten awfully quiet. I was starting to worry. I hated that I didn’t know what’s going on in her mind. I listened carefully holding my breath. I wasn’t prepared for her next statement.

“Can I ask you a question without offending? Does Rosalie not like me?”

That’s it! I jumped up knocking over the coffee table in front of me. I had asked everyone to make Bella feel comfortable around us. My family knew how important this was to me. How much I needed to find my mate. Rosalie promised she’d help and be on her best behavior the other night when we discussed Bella. I was going to hunt her down and demand answers from her. Emmett wasn’t going to be very happy when I tore his wife up.

Edward, I’m sorry. I had no idea she’d take Rosalie’s behavior that way. Please don’t overreact.” Alice was trying to reassure me. I wasn’t so sure. Rosalie can be very intimidating and cold when she wants to be.

“Calm down, Edward. You can’t go off half cocked. Emmett will never let you hurt Rosalie and you know you really don’t want to.” Jasper was trying to calm me down and stop me from leaving the house.

“Rosalie promised she'd help with Bella,” I growled. “She and I are going to have a talk whether Emmett likes it or not.”

I pushed him away knocking over a chair in the process as I slammed out of the house. I headed for the woods following Rosalie and Emmett’s scents. I found them taking down a couple of deer in the woods. I waited until they buried their meal to confront Rosalie. I stalked towards her growling as she was brushing off her hands. Emmett was immediately on the defensive and stood in front of her.

“What do you want with Rose, Edward?” He lowered himself into a protective stance, growling at me.

Rosalie stood looking at me and crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. “What now, Edward?”

“What is your problem, Rosalie?” I yelled at her. “I ask you for one thing. One thing! Be nice to Bella and help me win her.” I was stalking back and forth in front of Emmett looking for an opening to Rosalie I knew he would never give. “You couldn’t even spend one day with her without making her feel your animosity. I want to know why. What could you possibly have against her already?” I threw my hands in the air at her.

Emmett never moved from his protective stance with Rosalie behind him. We all knew I wasn’t going to hurt her, but she was his mate. As vampires, we are very protective of our mates, but male vampires are the worst. We take protective and possessive to the extreme. We don’t allow anyone or anything to threaten them. The female is our other half. Losing a mate meant grieving for all eternity. There is no coming back from that kind of pain. That’s what Rosalie was to Emmett and I knew Bella was to me.

Rosalie frowned at me. “I’m sorry if she feels like I hate her. I don’t, okay? I already told you I’m not in favor of you picking a human for a mate. You know this. You know how I feel about being a vampire. I don’t wish this life on anyone.”

I knew Rosalie had problems adjusting to this life more than any other member of my family. Her biggest desire was to have children and grow old with someone. She had been so close when she was human to fulfilling her dreams. She had just picked the wrong man. If she’d been with anyone else besides her sleaze of a fiancé, she probably would have had a long happy life.

“Rose, this isn’t about you. It’s not about what you lost. This is about me; my dreams, my eternity. I want Bella. I need her. Can’t you understand that?” I was going to face enough obstacles without trouble within my own family.

“What about what Bella wants? What about what she needs?” She stared long and hard at me. “Have you thought of what this means for her?”

“She has a point, Edward. Have you really thought this through? It’s not too late to change your mind and leave her alone.” Emmett was trying to get me to understand Rosalie without siding against me also. I knew he didn’t care one way or the other. He was just thrilled having a new sister. He takes his role as “big brother” seriously.

I stopped pacing and stood pinching the bridge of my nose. I was desperate to make her understand. I took an unnecessary breath. I thought about my years of fruitless searching. I thought of searching for another 100 years. I pictured every female vampire I had ever considered.

Then I imagined Bella’s face gazing into my eyes. I pictured her mahogany hair framing those chocolate eyes that made my dead heart beg to beat again just for her. I remembered how her eyes sparkled as I received one of the few smiles I earned today. Her heart skipped and she shivered at my touch earlier in the house. She felt something for me.

I turned to Emmett and Rosalie and spoke with more conviction than I’d ever felt before. There was no more doubt. There would never be any turning back. I had just solidified my decision in stone. She was mine. The only thing left was to convince her.

“Yes. I’m sure. She is the one. There will be no other for me.” I smiled at her softening my tone, “Please Rosalie, I understand what you’re saying. I know I haven’t chosen an easy path. She will have to adjust and give up her life. I’m sorry about that. Imagine your life without Emmett. Rose, I’ve never asked you for anything. I’m asking for this.”

She looked at Emmett, thinking about what I’d said. I saw her thoughts about Emmett and the love they shared. She thought back to when they found each other. She remembered when Emmett bit her; claiming her, the first time he told her he loved her. She then looked at me with resolve in her eyes.

“Alright Edward, I’ll compromise. I’ll be more supportive and help where I can. You agree not to change her unless she asks for it. Agreed?”

We both knew that changing Bella was inevitable, but if it made it easier for Rosalie to come around then fine. “Agreed.”

Emmett stood and relaxed for the first time and clapped his hands together. “Alright you two, now that’s settled. It’s movie time. Tonight is my turn to pick.”

I got back to the house with Emmett and Rosalie in time to hear Alice ask Bella about me. I didn’t want to miss this. It was what I’d been waiting for all day.

“So what do you think of Edward?” Alice asked. “It’s about time. I’ve been waiting to ask her until you could hear.”

“Um, he’s okay?” Bella seemed distracted in her answer.

“Just okay?” Alice asked. “She does take some coaxing to get information out of her.”

“Well, I don’t know. I just met him today. He’s very attractive, but he doesn’t talk much. Then when he does, he just seems to piss me off.”

I was happy to hear she thought I was attractive. I thought she was beautiful. I was upset hearing her remember that I’d made her mad at the bookstore. I didn’t want to be reminded of that incident.

“There,” Alice said. She sounded very pleased with herself. “Wait til you see her Edward.”

“Thanks, Alice. I don’t know why you did all this. I’m just going home,” she told Alice.

I didn’t want her to go home. I wasn’t ready for our first day together to be over.

“Well, let’s go down and see what the guys are doing.” I heard them coming down the stairs. Bella was walking slowly.

Alice came into the room, grinning widely. “Wait ‘til you see her Edward! You’re going to love what I did,” she whispered.

I stood to meet her at the door but couldn’t move as she came into the room. I was mesmerized. She was beautiful before. Alice only enhanced her natural beauty. Alice had put her in a snug shirt and short skirt that showed off all her curves and her long slender legs. She had her boots on and she looked ‘really hot’, to borrow an expression from Emmett. Her cheeks were warmed by the blush that I loved so much. She was so timid and shy.

I walked toward her and lifted her chin with my hand. I tucked a loose curl behind her ear with my other hand. I gazed into her eyes trying to convey all my feelings in a look. “Bella, you’re beautiful,” I whispered.

She blushed again, but I wouldn’t let her look away from me. I couldn’t. I needed her to see me.

Emmett had to break the mood, of course.

“Get a room,” he said trying to smother it with his hand.

I guided her over to sit on the sofa next to me. I didn’t want to take a chance she’d sit somewhere else. Esme had brought in food and a drink and left it for Bella before she and Carlisle went hunting. I handed her the glass.

“Thank you,” she whispered to me.

“Alright, now that we’re all here, let’s start this puppy!” Emmett bellowed. He turned off the lamp next to him with one hand while hitting ‘play’ on the remote with the other.

It was dark in the room other than from the movie on television. ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ was starting. Everyone groaned, “Again, Emmett?”

“Hey, I like Johnny Depp. So deal.”

Rosalie was curled up with him in the recliner and kissed him on the cheek.

I scowled at her then looked pointedly down at Bella next to me.

She looked at Bella and sighed. “Thanks for going shopping with us today, Bella. It’s going to be nice having a friend already when school starts.” “See Edward. I can play nice with the human too.”

I handed Bella a plate of some type of awful smelling food. I guess Esme used one of the cookbook props in the kitchen to cook for her. I hope it doesn’t make her sick. The smell was nauseating to all of us. Bella moaned a little with a smile. I guess that meant it was good. I’d have to thank Esme later and maybe take a crack at cooking also. I’d love to be responsible for that expression.

I noticed Alice got still and had a worried frown on her face as she looked at Bella. I delved into her mind and saw Bella going out with that boy, Mike. It was dusk and she was smiling my smile at him, nodding her head. He grinned and scooped her up to swing her around. I wanted to tear the room apart at her vision of them kissing. That would not happen!

“When?” I mumbled low enough that Bella couldn't hear me over the sound of the movie starting.

“Tonight,” she answered worried. “She can't go home yet.”

I whispered to Jasper low enough that Bella wouldn’t hear me. “Could you make her feel more relaxed? I need to keep her here so she doesn't go on that date.”

“Sure. No sweat,” he smirked. He sent waves of relaxation at Bella, causing her eyes to droop.

“Pervert,” Emmett laughed.

I gently pulled Bella into my lap as her eyes closed so her head was against my chest. Rosalie came over covered her with the blanket off the back of the sofa so she wouldn’t get cold laying on me. She gave me a nod and I smiled back my thanks to her. I gazed down at my angel unrestricted and stroked her soft hair to my dead heart’s content. I sighed in relief as Alice's vision shifted. I saw Bella and I laughing and holding hands again. Things were back on track.

The movie was ending so I told Jasper to ‘release’ her so I could take her home. I knew I couldn’t keep her any longer. I didn’t want her father to worry. I needed to make a good impression with him so he’d allow me to spend time with Bella. I could feel her stirring as her heart rate increased, becoming conscious again. Everyone left the room to give us time together alone.

She yawned and did a little stretch that was just too cute. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times trying to adjust her vision. She sat up suddenly.

“Oh my God, Edward,” her blush was already spreading, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I’m so tired. I’m sorry for laying on you.”

I gently brushed her hair back from her face. “There’s no reason to apologize, Bella. You’re fine. I honestly didn’t mind holding you.” I took a chance with my next statement to gauge her reaction. “I really like holding you,” I said softly to her.

Her blush turned a deeper red as she quickly turned away. “I guess I really should go now. I’m sure Charlie’s hungry and wondering where I am. Do you know where Alice went?”

“Why do you need Alice?” I asked. I couldn’t think what she needed Alice for. I hate not hearing her mind. And, yes, I know I’ve said that, but I do.

“Well, I can’t walk home,” she looked at me like she was stating the obvious.

“I can give you a ride, Bella. I’d really like to, if you don’t mind.”

She looked at me for a minute. She seemed to be working out a decision in her mind. “Okay, I’d appreciate it. Thanks. I just need to get my bags. Do you know where Emmett would have put them?”

“Sure. They’re on the bench in the foyer with your bag from the bookstore. Alice put them there earlier.”

We both stood and I put my hand on her back to usher her to the door. I couldn’t get enough of her. I loved being able to touch her any way I could, even if it was just in a polite gesture, for now.

I thought about what it would be like when she finally lets me hold her hand or put my arms around her, showing her how much I loved her already.

She was digging through her bag from the bookstore, pulling stuff out. She handed me a CD first.

“This is Alice’s. I owed her for the shirt I ruined last night. Could you make sure she gets it later?”

“Sure, I’ll leave it here and give it to her when I get back home,” I responded, setting the CD back on the bench.

Thanks Edward. I’ll get it when you leave.” Alice thought to me.

She reached back in the bag and pulled out a paperback book handing it to me grinning. “I hope you didn’t think I’d forget our little agreement.”

I looked down at the book in my hand. Romeo and Juliet. I looked back up at her grinning. “I’d never forget, Bella. When do you want to start?”

She thought a minute. “How about day after tomorrow in the afternoon? Would that work for you or do you already have plans?” She looked down at the shopping bag in her hands with the last comment.

Could it be she was sad at the idea I couldn’t spend time with her? I knew it was unrealistic to think that, but the concept gave me hope. Maybe she was already falling for me, at least a little bit.

“No I don’t have plans. How about I come pick you up and we’ll go somewhere and talk?”

She looked up and her eyes shone, “I’d really like that. Could you pick me up around 3:00?”

“That sounds great. I’ll be there.” I was going to have my first date with Bella.

She picked up her other two bags and her purse as she turned back to me, smiling. “Okay, I guess I’m ready.”

We went outside and I opened the passenger door for her to get in my car. I ran around to the driver’s side remembering to do this at human speed even though I couldn’t wait to sit next to her again.

We drove home silently, but it wasn’t awkward. I turned on the stereo in my car to listen to a CD. Debussy was playing Claire De Lune.

She listened for a minute before sighing wistfully, “I love this song so much. It is one of my favorites.”

I took my hand off the steering wheel and reached over to hold her hand sitting in her lap. “It’s one of my favorites, too.” I gave her hand a soft squeeze and left mine holding hers. I held my breath. I’d let her decide.

I smiled when I realized she wasn’t pulling away. I laid my head back against the seat and smiled. We were holding hands. Human Bella Swan was holding Vampire Edward Cullen’s hand and not pulling away! I wanted to jump out of the car and do one of Emmett’s ‘happy dances’ as he called them.

Too soon we pulled up in front of her house. I got out and ran to open her door. I wanted to walk her to the door. She stood and looked at her house debating.

“Thanks for the ride Edward. I better go in.” She was silently letting me know that I couldn’t walk her to the door.

I could hear the TV in her living room on a ball game and her father was starting to worry about her. I listened to his thoughts of worry for her.

“I hope she’s okay. Mike said she wasn’t answering her phone the last time he called here. Hell, he’s called here 10 times in 3 hours. No telling how many missed calls she has on her cell from him. She didn’t say which friend’s house she was going to so I don’t know who to call. I wish she’d get here soon. I don’t know why she won’t just let Mike off the hook and date the poor boy. He’s crazy about her. I’d always know where she was then. I could stop worrying so much, knowing someone else was looking out for her also.”

I would love to be able to growl at her father for his thoughts, but knew I couldn’t. I would just have to prove to him that no one can protect Bella the way I will. I am the best choice. I just sighed and remembered that I got to hold her hand on the way home. One step at a time. I had a date to look forward to, even if she didn’t see it that way yet.

She was looking up at me chewing on her bottom lip. I decided in that second to try something bold. As I reached to tuck her hair behind her ear I leaned in and gently kissed her cheek. I stepped back quickly. I didn’t want her to feel threatened by me being that close to her throat. I’m still a vampire, after all. Even though I knew I’d never hurt her.

“Well, goodnight then, Bella,” I whispered.

I could hear her heart racing and her breathing hitch. She was blushing scarlet red. The scent of her blood was growing more intense with the increase in her body temperature.

“Goodnight, Edward,” she whispered back to me. She quickly turned and ran up the sidewalk, stumbling once before catching herself. She let herself in the front door with her key, turning to wave ‘goodbye’ to me before she closed the door.

I hated that I couldn’t stop her from stumbling, but she wouldn’t understand how I got to her so quickly if I did. No human would have made it from the car to her on the sidewalk that quickly. So I just sighed in relief when she caught herself without falling.

I got back in my car and sat there a moment. I wasn’t ready to drive away yet, so I eavesdropped on her conversation with her father.

“Hey, Dad. I’m home. I’ll start dinner for you when I come back down, okay? I just need to run up to my room.”

“Glad you’re home, Bells. I was starting to worry.” “I’ll tell her later about Mike’s calls. Maybe I should just order pizza for us tonight. I’m sure she’s tired from her long day and she does so much for me already.”

“Hey Bells, how do you feel about pizza tonight instead?” He was yelling to her since she was upstairs in her room.

“Sounds great actually, Dad. I am kind of tired,” she replied.

I heard her dad pick up the phone to order their pizza as I drove away. I felt lighter inside remembering holding her hand and kissing her cheek. I started counting down the hours until I’d see her again.

1 comment:

  1. That was a very good sequel, I love it so much.
    I wish you a very happy new year and a lot à very good chapter to write.
    Bonne année 2010 !
